This list of items is comprised of what's generally considered meta. Items are ordered by our personal ranking, with the best option for each element listed first. (Outliers being compression items, that are ordered by element)
Table of Contents |
• Special Pets |
Special Pets
Baby Egg
MC Pet. Versions of this pet are available for the 8 standard elements. Deals -50% damage. Toggles between two mode:
- Status Mode: Has a (43.5*[MobEleRes])% chance to attempt to Paralyze for 1 turn. This has +0 Save Bonus, player CHA/LUK vs. monster END/LUK.
- Defense Mode: Reduces damage taken from all monster hits by 30.8.
- Scales with CHA. Without CHA, the damage reduction value is 15.4.
- Stat scaling can overcap the boost values to a max of x1.1. Boost values also receive a x1.029 bonus from the outleveling formula at lv 150.
Location: Grenwog
Info-Subs: Link
Standard Pets
MC Fire Pet. Can toggle between two modes:
- Defensive Mode: Does not attack. Multiplicatively reduces Ice damage taken by 14.29% and provides 12 Omni Status Potency.
- Scales with DEX and CHA. Without stat investment, the damage reduction is 7.14%, and the status potency value is 6.
- Stat scaling can overcap the boost values to a max of x1.1. Boost values also receive a x1.029 bonus from the outleveling formula at lv 150.
- Damage Mode: Pays 18% Melee in SP (71 at 150) to deal +50% damage.
The best Fire Pet in the entire game, providing unmatched utility with Omni Potence, and beaten out in damage only by Plush Nugget.
Location: Valencia -> Golden Giftboxes -> Rare Shop (GGB Crossover Extravaganza; may or may not appear each year)
Info-Subs: Link
Plush Nugget
MC Fire Pet. Can toggle between two modes:
- Normal Mode: Deals full damage. MC: +5% damage.
- Damage Mode: Pays 40% Melee in SP (158 at 150) to gain +10 BtH and deal +78% damage.
The top damage option for Fire. Better suited for Beastmages however, due to the SP drain.
Location: Heromart (Nugget - The DrickenLord Moglin - Plush, may or may not be in stock.)
Info-Subs: Link
MC Fire Pet. Can toggle between two modes:
- Damage Mode: Deals full damage. MC: +5% damage.
- Status Mode: Deals -50% damage. Has a (37*[FireRes]*[Hits]/[Attempts])% chance to attempt to inflict Paralyze for 1 turn. This has a +0 Save Bonus, player CHA/LUK vs. monster CHA/LUK.
Location: Void Takeover: Keyote the Heartcrusher. See here.
Info-Subs: Link
MC Fire Pet. Can toggle between two modes:
- Damage Mode: Deals full damage. MC: +5% damage.
- Status Mode: Deals -100% damage. Attempts to inflict a (41.1*[FireRes])% stun rate Control for 1 turn. This has a -20 Save Bonus, player CHA/LUK vs. monster CHA/LUK.
Location: 12000 Z-Token Package
Info-Subs: Link
MC Fire Pet. Can toggle between two modes:
- Damage Mode: Deals full damage. MC: +4.25 BtH.
- Status Mode: Deals -50% damage. Attempts to inflict a Power: 2.5 Fire Burn and -20 BtH Berserk for 2 turns. This has a +0 Save Bonus, player CHA/LUK vs. monster CHA/LUK. Both effects are inflicted at once, and is considered Berserk for the sake of potency modifiers.
Location: Snugglefest -> Previous Quests -> Love Potion 729!
Info-Subs: Link
Festive Deatharrows Cat
MC Fire Pet. Can toggle between two modes:
- Damage Mode: Deals full damage. MC: +5% damage.
- Status Mode: Deals -50% damage. Attempts to inflict a +(31.43*[Hits]/[Attempts])% damage taken Fire EleVuln for 1 turn. This has a +0 Save Bonus, player CHA/LUK vs. monster INT/LUK.
Location: Valencia -> Golden Gift Boxes -> UltraRare Shop (December Friday the 13th)
Info-Subs: Link
MC Fire Pet. Can toggle between two modes:
- Damage Mode: Deals full damage. MC: +5% damage
- SP Damage Mode: Damages SP, dealing x1.125 damage. MC: Attempts to inflict a [Damage/2] SP Disease*. This has a +0 Save Bonus, player CHA/LUK vs. monster CHA/LUK.
- *Disease effects prevent HP/MP/SP healing up to a given amount. They last for the remainder of a battle or until the player/monster heals HP/MP/SP in excess of the listed amount.
A niche option, Underwyrmling can shut down SP entirely, stopping enemies from using their SP skills.
Location: Travel Map -> Sail East -> Mt. Thrall -> Hollow's Garage -> Underworld Saga -> Escape the Wicked King (Challenge Mode)
Info-Subs: Link
Fae Wanderer
MC Water Pet. Can toggle between two modes:
- Normal Mode: Deals standard damage. MC: Deals +10% damage if the monster is affected by Panic.
- Panic Eater Mode: Pet attack is split between Damage and Healing:
- Damage: 3 hits. Attacks the monster for 50% of standard pet damage.
- Healing: 2 hits. Heals player MP for 31.875% of standard pet damage, and heals player SP for 23.91% of standard pet damage. Consumes up to 80% Melee worth of Panic to increase healing.
Location: Frostval '21: The Knights and the Rat King Painting -> Wood You Kindly
Info-Subs: Link
Aqua Bot
MC Water Pet. Can toggle between three modes:
- Normal Mode: Normal damage.
- Overdrive Mode: Deals +20% damage. Costs 8% Melee in SP (31 at 150) per turn.
- Hyper Overdrive Mode: Deals +50% damage. Costs 20% Melee in SP (78 at 150) per turn.
Location: Valencia -> Golden Giftboxes -> UltraRare Shop
Info-Subs: Link
Sea Turtle Defender
MC Water Pet. Deals -50% damage. Toggle between two modes:
- DefBoost Mode: After attacking, applies a +(15.52*[WaterRes]*[Hits]/[Attempts]) MRM Defense Boost for 1 turn.
- EleShield Mode: After attacking, applies a (0.78*[WaterRes]*[Hits]/[Attempts])x Omni EleShield for 1 turn.
- Set Bonus: When used alongside Mermazon Champion and Seashell Stalwart:
- DefBoost is increased to base 18.35.
- EleShield is increased to base 0.74x.
Location: Ballyhoo -> Contests -> Mermazon Champion
Info-Subs: Link
Snapping Turtle Terror
MC Water Pet. Deals -50% damage. Toggle between two modes:
- DefLoss Mode: After attacking, attempts to inflict a 5.1 MRM DefLoss for 4 turns. This has -20 Save Bonus, player CHA/LUK vs. monster CHA/LUK. Pet does not need to hit in order to inflict this effect.
- EleVuln Mode: Attempts to inflict a +(14.29*[Hits]/[Attempts])% Water EleVuln for 2 turns. This has -20 Save Bonus, player CHA/LUK vs. monster END/LUK.
- MC: Save Bonus is -20 instead of +0.
- Set Bonus: When used alongside Mermazon Champion and Seashell Stalwart:
- DefLoss is increased to 6.12.
- EleVuln is increased to +17.14%.
Location: Ballyhoo -> Contests -> Mermazon Champion
Info-Subs: Link
Adept Protean
MC Water Pet. Can toggle between two modes:
- Damage Mode: Deals full damage. MC: +5% damage.
- Status Mode: Deals -50% damage. Attempts to inflict a +(37*[Hits]/[Attempts])% damage taken Water EleVuln for 1 turn. This has a +0 Save Bonus, player CHA/LUK vs. monster END/LUK.
- Set Bonus: When used alongside either Adept Protector Armour or Shield:
- Damage mode deals an additional +10% damage.
- EleVuln in status mode is increased to +43.7%.
Location: Warlic -> War Between Shadows > Prelude: Wyrd West Rescue
Info-Subs: Link
MC Water Pet. Can toggle between two modes:
- Damage Mode: Deals full damage. MC: +5% damage.
- Status Mode: Deals -50% damage. Has a (37*[WaterRes])% chance to attempt to Paralyze for 1 turn. This has a +0 Save Bonus, player CHA/LUK vs. monster END/LUK.
Location: Frostval '15: Fruitcake Fury! Painting -> Stollen Fruitcake
Info-Subs: Link
MC Water Pet. Can toggle between two modes:
- Damage Mode: Deals full damage. MC: +5% damage.
- Status Mode: Deals -50% damage. Attempts to inflict a -(26.4*[WaterRes]) BtH Blind for 1 turn. This has a +0 Save Bonus, player CHA/LUK vs. monster DEX/LUK.
Location: Warlic Shop -> Combine Mermazon Kelp + Bad Juice + Magma Leaf -> Talk Like A Pirate Day -> Treasure Hunt (Click the map in Rhubarb's hand)
Info-Subs: Link
MC Water Pet. Can toggle between two modes:
- Damage Mode: Deals full damage. MC: +5% damage.
- Status Mode: Deals -50% damage. Attempts to inflict a -67 LUK Unlucky for 1 turn. This has a +0 Save Bonus, player CHA/LUK vs. monster DEX/LUK. If successful, additionally applies a +67 LUK Lucky effect to the player for 1 turn.
Location: Void Takeover: RhubZard. See here.
Info-Subs: Link
Spotter Drake
MC Wind Pet. Can toggle between two modes:
- Defensive Mode: Does not attack. Multiplicatively reduces Earth damage taken by 14.29% and provides 12 Omni Status Potency.
- Scales with DEX and CHA. Without stat investment, the damage reduction is 7.14%, and the status potency value is 6'.
- Stat scaling can overcap the boost values to a max of x1.1. Boost values also receive a x1.029 bonus from the outleveling formula at lv 150.
- Damage Mode: Pays 18% Melee in SP (71 at 150) to deal +50% damage.
Top damage option for Wind, and arguably the best Wind pet in general, thanks to providing generic Status Potency.
Location: Warlic's Shop -> Mastercraft Sets -> Lost Talon Set -> Temple of Four Skies
Info-Subs: Link
MC Wind Pet. Deals 20% damage. Can toggle between three modes:
- HP Healing: Heals HP equal to 400% of damage dealt.
- MP healing: Heals MP equal to 600% of damage dealt.
- SP Healing: Heals SP equal to 450% of damage dealt.
- Amount healed is divided by the monster resistance.
- MC: +5% damage.
While it lacks damage, Mosquito's healing is incredibly powerful, which can be scaled further by Pet boosters.
Location: Valencia -> Golden Giftboxes -> UltraRare Shop
Info-Subs: Link
MC Wind Pet. Can toggle between two modes:
- Damage Mode: Deals full damage. MC: +5% damage.
- Status Mode: Does not attack. Applies a +15.3 MRM Defense Boost for 1 turn.
- Scales with CHA. Without CHA, the Defense Boost value is +7.65.
- Stat scaling can overcap the boost values to a max of x1.1. Boost values also receive a x1.029 bonus from the outleveling formula at lv 150.
A unique Pet, Bun-Banneret is suited for dodge-based builds. Due to applying a status, Bun-Banneret has incredible synergy with Celerity, doubling the amount of MRM it provides.
Location: Void Takeover: Bun-Banneret. See here.
Info-Subs: Link
(Twisted) Pig Drake
MC Wind Pet. Toggles between two modes:
- Defense Mode: Does not attack. Applies a +10.8375 MRM Defense Boost for 2 turns.
- Scales with CHA. Without CHA, the Defense Boost value is +5.41875 for 2 turns.
- Stat scaling can overcap the boost values to a max of x1.1. Boost values also receive a x1.029 bonus from the outleveling formula at lv 150.
- Status Mode: Deals -50% damage and attempts to inflict a -18.5% damage dealt Choke for 2 turns. This has a +0 Save Bonus, player CHA/LUK vs. monster END/LUK.
An alternative to Bun-Banneret, providing a weaker but longer-lasting Defense Boost.
Location: Valencia -> Golden Giftboxes -> Rare Shop
Info-Subs: Link
True Nemesis' Guardian
MC Ice Pet. Toggles between two modes:
- Damage Mode: Deals full damage. MC: +5% damage.
- Status Mode: Deals -50% damage. Attempts to inflict a Power: (2*[Hits]/[Attempts]) Ice Poison for 2 turns. Poison heals the player's HP equal to the true damage dealt (IE limited by the monster's remaining HP). This has -20 Save Bonus, player CHA/LUK vs. monster END/LUK.
- Full Set Bonus: When used with the Nemesis armour and shield:
- Damage Mode: Deals an additional +10% damage.
- Status Mode: Poison is increased to Power: 2.4.
The best general-use Ice Pet, coming with a powerful Siphon Poison.
Location: Warlic's Shop -> Mastercraft Sets -> Nemesis
Info Links: Link
Undead Beast
Compressed Ice Pet. Can toggle between two modes:
- Damage Mode: Deals full damage. Has a +20 BtH lean.
- Status Mode: Deals -25% damage and pays 20% Melee in SP or MP (78 SP; 118 MP, at 150) to attempt to inflict a Power: (0.3*[Hits]/[Attempts]) Bleed effect. This has a +0 Save Bonus, player CHA/LUK, vs. monster END/LUK.
- Resource used depends on variant:
Variant Resource Obsidian SP/MP Toggle Commander SP Spellslinger MP
While it lacks raw damage thanks to its massive BtH lean, Undead Beast comes with the utility of being compressed into an armour Beastmasters should already be using, technically making it a "free" pet.
Location: Necromancer Class Armour -> Twin Summoning -> Call Undead Beast
Info Links: TBD
Jr. Archmage
MC Ice Pet. All attacks have a -15 BtH lean. Comes with a toggle:
- Toggle: Pays 20% Melee in MP (118 at 150) per turn to deal +50% damage.
The strongest ice Pet in terms of pure damage. Should not be used without heavy boosting, as it comes with a massive negative BtH lean.
Location: Miss Fixit -> Junior Squires!
Info Links: Link
Cometoid Jelly
MC Ice Pet. Deals 20% damage. Can toggle between three modes:
- HP Healing: Heals HP equal to 400% of damage dealt.
- MP healing: Heals MP equal to 600% of damage dealt.
- SP Healing: Heals SP equal to 450% of damage dealt.
- Amount healed is divided by the monster resistance.
- MC: +5% damage.
While it lacks damage, Cometoid Jelly's healing is incredibly powerful, which can be scaled further by Pet boosters.
Location: Guardian Giftboxes 2020 Rare
Info-Subs: Link
Updated Info-Subs: Link
Glass Cannon
MC Earth/Light Pet.
- Flavour Effect: Deals x1.2 damage, but monsters deal x1.057 damage to compensate.
Location: 12000 Z-Token Package
Info-Subs: Link
Gold-Hungry Landlubbin' Mimic
MC Earth Contract-style Pet. Can toggle between two modes:
- Normal Mode: Deals +15% damage. Costs 0.833% expected Gold reward (2206 at 150).
- Fully Sated Mode: Deals +35% damage. Costs 2.5% expected Gold reward (6618 at 150).
Location: Valencia -> Golden Giftboxes -> Rare Shop
Info-Subs: Link
MC Earth Pet. Can toggle between two modes:
- MC: Grants +20 Potency for Freeze-Type statuses (e.g., Freeze, Petrify, Hypersalionate, etc.)
- Damage Mode: Attack is 2 hits and has a +5 BtH lean.
- Status Mode: Attack is 1 hit and has a +10 BtH lean. Deals -81.85% damage. Has a 40% chance to Petrify for 1 turn. This has a +10 Save Bonus, player CHA/LUK vs. monster END/LUK.
While not the best option for pure damage, Fu-Dog passively makes all Freeze-like effects easier to land.
Location: Valencia -> Golden Giftboxes -> UltraRare Shop
Info-Subs: Link
MC Earth Pet. Can toggle between two modes, with an option to spend 50% melee in SP (196 at 150) to enhance either mode.
- EleVuln Mode (Nom): Attack is 2 hits. Deals -50% damage. Attempts to inflict a (42.6*[Hits/Attempts])% Earth EleVuln for 1 turn. This has a +10 Save Bonus, player CHA/LUK vs. monster END/LUK.
- Zardimax EleVuln Mode (Max Nom): Attack is 2 hits an has a +10 BtH lean. Deals full damage. Attempts to inflict a (52.6*[Hits/Attempts])% Earth EleVuln for 1 turn. This has a -10 Save Bonus, player CHA/LUK vs. monster END/LUK.
- Sleep Mode (Cotton Breath): Attack is 1 hit and has a -15 BtH lean. Deals -100% damage. Attempts to inflict a Sleep effect until the monster makes a save. This has a +20 Save Bonus, player CHA/LUK vs. monster CHA/LUK.
- Zardimax Sleep Mode (Max Floof): Attack is 1 hit and has a +13 BtH lean. Deals -100% damage. Attempts to inflict a Sleep effect until the monster makes a save. This has a +10 Save Bonus, player CHA/LUK vs. monster CHA/LUK.
A status-oriented Earth Pet that can still do full damage while attempting to inflict statuses. Beastrangers may find sustaining Zardimax for extended periods difficult due to the massive SP upkeep.
Location: Void Takeover: WoolZard. See here.
Info-Subs: Link
Skilled Protean
MC Earth Pet. Can toggle between two modes:
- Damage Mode: Deals full damage. MC: +5% damage.
- Status Mode: Deals -50% damage. Attempts to inflict a +(37*[Hits]/[Attempts])% damage taken Earth EleVuln for 1 turn. This has a +0 Save Bonus, player CHA/LUK vs. monster END/LUK.
- Set Bonus: When used alongside either Skilled Protector Armour or Shield:
- Damage mode deals an additional +10% damage.
- EleVuln in status mode is increased to +43.7%.
Location: Warlic -> War Between Shadows > Prelude: Wyrd West Rescue
Info-Subs: Link
Grotesque Eye Spy
MC Earth Pet. Can toggle between two modes:
- Damage Mode: Deals full damage. MC: +5% damage.
- Status Mode: Attack is 2 hits. Deals -50% damage. Randomly attempts one of the following effects:
- EleVuln: +15.71% increased damage taken Earth EleVuln for [Hits] turns. This has a +0 Save Bonus, player CHA/LUK vs. monster END/LUK.
- DefLoss: -18.7 MRM DefLoss for [Hits] turns. This has a +0 Save Bonus, player CHA/LUK vs. monster END/LUK.
Location: Morningstar Set
Info-Subs: Link
MC Energy Contract-style Pet. Can toggle between two modes:
- Normal Mode: Deals +15% damage. Costs 0.833% expected Gold reward (1848 at 150).
- Supersonic Mode: Deals +35% damage. Costs 2.5% expected Gold reward (5545 at 150).
The top damage option for Energy.
Location: Limited-Time Shop
Info-Subs: Link
Evolved Protean
MC Energy Pet. Can toggle between two modes:
- Damage Mode: Deals full damage. MC: +5% damage.
- Status Mode: Deals -50% damage. Attempts to inflict a +(37*[Hits]/[Attempts])% damage taken Energy EleVuln for 1 turn. This has a +0 Save Bonus, player CHA/LUK vs. monster END/LUK.
- Set Bonus: When used alongside either Evolved Protector Armour or Shield:
- Damage mode deals an additional +10% damage.
- EleVuln in status mode is increased to +43.7%.
Location: Warlic -> War Between Shadows > Prelude: Wyrd West Rescue
Info-Subs: Link
MC Energy Pet. Can toggle between two modes:
- Damage Mode: Deals full damage. MC: +5% damage.
- Status Mode: Attack is 2 hits. Deals -50% damage. Has a (37*[EnergyRes]*[Hits/Attempts])% chance to attempt to Paralyze for 1 turn. This has a +0 Save Bonus, player CHA/LUK vs. monster END/LUK.
Location: Zard Hunter's Shop
Info-Subs: Link
MC Energy Pet. Can toggle between three modes:
- Status Mode: Attack is 2 hits. Deals -50% damage. Attempts to inflict a Power: (2.2*[Hits]/[Attempts]) Energy Burn for 2 turns. This has a +0 Save Bonus, player CHA/LUK vs. monster DEX/LUK.
- Damage Mode: Deals full damage, two hits. MC: +5% damage.
- Healing Mode: Heals player MP instead of attacking the monster. Healing is scaled by the monster's Energy resistance. Deals 1.275x damage.
Location: Void Takeover: Starslayer. See here.
Info-Subs: Link
Meteoid Jelly
MC Energy Pet. Can toggle between three modes:
- HP Healing: Heals HP equal to 400% of damage dealt.
- MP healing: Heals MP equal to 600% of damage dealt.
- SP Healing: Heals SP equal to 450% of damage dealt.
- Amount healed is divided by the monster resistance.
- MC: +5% damage.
Location: Guardian Giftboxes 2020 Rare (Obtained by "upgrading" Cometoid Jelly via Account Manager.)
Thunder Lord's Ravens
MC Energy Pet. Can toggle between two modes:
- Damage Mode: Deals full damage. MC: +5% damage.
- Status Mode: Pays 8.806% Melee in HP (13 at 150). Deals -50% damage. Attempts to inflict a Power: 1.295 Energy Burn for [Hits] turns. This has a -20 Save Bonus, player CHA/LUK vs. monster END/LUK.
Location: Frostval '19: A Song of Ice & Thunder Painting -> The Test of Thunder
Info-Subs: Link
Glass Cannon
MC Earth/Light Pet.
- Flavour Effect: Deals x1.2 damage, but monsters deal x1.057 damage to compensate.
The top damage option for Light.
Location: 12000 Z-Token Package
Info-Subs: Link
Developed Protean
MC Light Pet. Can toggle between two modes:
- Damage Mode: Deals full damage. MC: +5% damage.
- Status Mode: Deals -50% damage. Attempts to inflict a +(37*[Hits]/[Attempts])% damage taken Light EleVuln for 1 turn. This has a +0 Save Bonus, player CHA/LUK vs. monster END/LUK.
- Set Bonus: When used alongside either Developed Protector Armour or Shield:
- Damage mode deals an additional +10% damage.
- EleVuln in status mode is increased to +43.7%.
Location: Warlic -> War Between Shadows > Prelude: Wyrd West Rescue
Info-Subs: Link
MC Light Pet. Can toggle between two modes:
- Damage Mode: Deals full damage. MC: +5% damage.
- Status Mode: Attack is two hits. Deals -45% damage. Attempts to inflict a Power: 2 Light Burn for [Hits] turns. This has a +0 Save Bonus, player CHA/LUK vs. monster DEX/LUK.
Location: Stonerule -> Riona -> War of the Giants -> Part 2
Info-Subs: Link
Gildead Leprechaun
MC Light Pet. Can toggle between two modes:
- Damage Mode: Deals full damage. MC: +5% damage.
- Status Mode: Deals -50% damage. Attempts to inflict a (9.25*[LightRes]*[Hits/Attempts]) BtH Blind for 4 turns. This has a +0 Save Bonus, player CHA/LUK vs. monster DEX/LUK.
Location: Blarney Portal Painting
Info-Subs: Link
Stunning Diamond Dog
MC Light Pet. Can toggle between two modes:
- Damage Mode: Deals full damage. MC: +5% damage.
- Status Mode: Deals -50% damage. Has a (43.5*[LightRes]*[Hits/Attempts])% chance to attempt to Paralyze for 1 turn. This has a +0 Save Bonus, player CHA/LUK vs. monster END/LUK.
Location: Void Rotation: Diamond Dog. See here.
Info-subs: Link
New Year's Ball
MC Light Pet. Can toggle between two modes:
- Damage Mode: Deals full damage. MC: +5% damage.
- Status Mode: Deals -50% damage. If at least one hit connects, applies a +15.7 Defense Boost for 1 turn.
- Scales with CHA. Without CHA, the Defense Boost value is +7.85.
- Stat scaling can overcap the boost values to a max of x1.1. Boost values also receive a x1.029 bonus from the outleveling formula at lv 150.
Location: Limited Time Shop (New Year's)
Info-Subs: Link
Aberrant the Exiled
MC Darkness pet.
- Flavour Effect: Pays 20% Melee in HP (70 at 150) per turn to deal +50% damage.
- MC: +5% damage.
The top damage option for Darkness.
Location: Valencia -> Golden Gift Boxes -> Rare shop
Info-Subs: Link
Gold-Hungry Abyssal Mimic
MC Darkness Contract-style Pet. Can toggle between two modes:
- Normal Mode: Deals +15% damage. Costs 0.83% expected Gold reward (2206 at 150).
- Fully Sated Mode: Deals +35% damage. Costs 2.5% expected Gold reward (6618 at 150).
Location: Valencia -> Golden Giftboxes -> Rare Shop
Info-Subs (Replace Fire with Darkness): Link
Model 294
MC Darkness Pet. Can toggle between two modes:
- Damage Mode: Deals full damage. MC: +5% damage.
- Status Mode: Attack is 4 hits. Deals -50% damage. Attempts to inflict a +(31.43*[Hits]/[Attempts])% damage taken Darkness EleVuln for 1 turn. This has a +0 Save Bonus, player CHA/LUK vs. monster END/LUK.
- Full Set Bonus: If the matching MechaKnight armor and shield are equipped, the Darkness EleVuln is instead +(37.14*[Hits]/[Attempts])%.
Location: Travel Map -> Sail East -> Mt. Thrall -> Hollow's Garage -> I'm here to kick some demon tail!
Info-Subs: Link
Plush Mort
MC Darkness Pet. Can toggle between two mode:
- Damage Mode: Deals full damage. MC: +5% damage.
- SP Healing Mode: Heals player SP instead of attacking the monster. Deals x0.86 damage.
Location: Heromart (Mort - The Shadow Moglin - Plush, may or may not be in stock.)
Info-Subs: Link
Undead Sneak
MC Darkness Pet. Has a 1/3 BR lean. Can toggle between two modes:
- Damage Mode: Deals full damage. MC: +5% damage.
- Status Mode: Deals -50% damage. Has a (43.5*[DarkRes])% chance to attempt to Paralyze for 1 turn. This has a +0 Save Bonus, player CHA/LUK vs. monster END/LUK.
Location: Grenwog
Info-Subs: Link
Un-Lead Leprechaun
MC Darkness Pet. Can toggle between two modes:
- Damage Mode: Deals full damage. +5% damage.
- Status Mode: Deals -50% damage. Attempts to inflict a Power: (1.294*[Hits/Attempts]) Darkness Poison for 4 turns. This has a +0 Save Bonus, player CHA/LUK vs. monster END/LUK.
Location: Blarney
Info-Subs: Link
MC Darkness Pet. Can toggle between two modes:
- Damage Mode: Deals full damage. MC: +4.25 BtH.
- Status Mode: Deals -47.5% damage. Attempts to inflict a -(15*[DarkRes]) BtH Blind for 2 turns. This has a +0 Save Bonus, player CHA/LUK vs. monster CHA/LUK.
Location: Snugglefest -> Previous Quests -> Love Potion 729!
Info-Subs: Link
Sunless Undead Hydra
MC Darkness Pet. Can toggle between two modes:
- Damage Mode: Deals full damage. MC: +5% damage.
- Status Mode: Deals -50% damage. Attempts to inflict a (43.5*[DarkRes]*[Hits]/[Attempts])% stun rate Daze for 1 turn. This has a +0 Save Bonus, player CHA/LUK vs. monster END/LUK.
Location: Warlic's Magic Shop -> Quests -> Dragonlorn Keep -> Part 5
Info-Subs: Link
MC Ice/Harm Pet. Only available in March. Has a 0.75 BR lean. Attacks have 2 hits. Can toggle between Ice and Harm:
- Ice: Has a +5 BtH lean. Deals full damage.
- Harm: Has a -5 BtH lean. Deals x0.9 damage due to dealing non-elemetal damage. Deals +50% damage. Costs 20% melee in SP (78 at 150) per turn.
The best damage option for Harm.
Location: (Ice-Specific) Random Adventure -> Legion-Deery Monster -> Shop on Defeat
Info-Subs: Link
(Twisted) Juvenile Void Dragon
MC Void Pet. Deals -10% damage due dealing non-elemental damage.
- MC: +5% damage.
- Note: Deals Fake-Void Damage. This is effectively the same as Harm damage (targets 100% resistance) except for a few outlier cases.
The (only) non-token, always-available, non-Necromancer option for non-elemental damage. Should not be picked up unless an excess of UR GGBs are lying around and Legion-Deery is out of season.
Location: Valencia -> Golden Gift Boxes -> UltraRare Shop
Updated Info-Subs (Twisted + Original): Link
Fairy Godmothers
MC Pets. Comes with 3 toggles:
- Damage Mode: Full damage.
- HP Healing: Heals player HP instead of attacking the monster. Deals x0.765 damage.
- MP Healing: Heals player MP instead of attacking the monster. Deals x1.1475 damage.
A series of useful pets that can either heal HP or MP. Element depends on version:
- Original: Light.
- Airy: Wind.
- Frosty: Ice.
- Rocky: Earth.
- Umbra: Dark.
The original is available year-round, while elemental variants are available around Mother's Day.
Location (Original): Guardian Tower -> Nimrod -> Guardian Shop
Location (Variants): Limited-Time Shop (Mother's Day)
Info-Subs: Link
Plush Mort
MC Darkness Pet. Can toggle between two modes:
- Damage Mode: Deals full damage. MC: +5% damage.
- SP Healing Mode: Heals player SP instead of attacking the monster. Deals x0.86 damage.
Location: Heromart (Mort - The Shadow Moglin - Plush, currently out of stock, may or may not return.)
Info-Subs: Link
Mookie Twilly
MC Healing Pet. Heals player HP instead of attacking the monster. Deals x0.765 damage.
- MC: 20% chance to deal +25% damage.
Location: Travel Map -> Jagged Peaks -> Kill 4 first monsters -> Be at the cutscene in the nest -> Click a hidden spot on the screen in the middle/lower right of the screen (click here to see)
Info-Subs: Link
Retro Twilly
MC Healing Pet. Heals player HP instead of attacking the monster. Deals x0.765 damage.
- MC: 20% chance to deal +25% damage.
Note: Should only be used by adventurers that do not have one of the seasonal Fairy Godmother pets.
Location: Battleon -> Speak to Twilly -> Anniversary Events -> The Dragon of Time -> Act 1: Undead Invasion
Info-Subs: Link
Plush Twilly
MC Earth Pet. Toggles between two modes:
- Damage Mode: Deals full damage.
- Healing Mode: Heals player HP instead of attacking the monster. Deals x0.765 damage.
Location: Heromart (Kickstarter Plushie)
Info-Subs: Link
Mana Golem
MC "Neutral" Pet. Attacks using all 8 standard elements + Heal + Harm randomly each hit, but deals 1.44x damage to compensate. Can toggle between two modes:
- Normal Mode: Deals full damage. MC: +5% damage.
- Explosion Mode: Pays 8.6% melee in HP (30 at 150) to gain +10 BtH and deal +33.5% damage. MC: +4.25 BtH.
Location: None
Info-Subs: Link
Utility Pets
Dunamis / Thernda
Instead of dealing damage, Dunamis and Thernda boosts Melee and Ranged damage, respectively.
Boosts Melee/Ranged weapon-based attacks by +24%. Spells/spell-type skills receive x1/2 of the boost.
- MC: Allows for partial Main Stat scaling.
- Scales with STR/DEX, and CHA. Without CHA, the boost value is +18%.
- Stat scaling can overcap the boost values to a max of x1.1. Boost values also receive a x1.029 bonus from the outleveling formula at lv 150.
Location: 20000 Z-Token package
Info-Subs: Link
Instead of dealing damage, Poelala boosts Magic damage.
Boosts Magic weapon-based attacks by +32%. Spells/spell-type skills receive x3/8 of the boost.
- MC: Allows for partial Main Stat scaling.
- Poelala scales with INT and CHA. Without CHA, the boost value is +24%.
- Stat scaling can overcap the boost values to a max of x1.1. Boost values also receive a x1.029 bonus from the outleveling formula at lv 150.
Location: Valencia -> Golden Giftboxes -> UltraRare Shop
Info-Subs: Link
Elemental Booster Moglins
Instead of dealing damage, these pets boosts damage for a specific element. See the below table for details regarding the element that a pet affects.
Pet Name Element Ramssy Fire Squee Water Megoi Wind Chilly Ice Moglicorn Earth Mog Lightnaut Energy Moglinus Decimus Light Necromoglin Darkness
Boosts Melee and Ranged weapon-based attacks by +40%. Magic weapon-based attacks, and spells/spell-type skills receive x4/3 and x1/2 of the boost, respectively.
- MC: Allows for partial Main Stat scaling.
- Scales with Main Stat (STR, DEX, or INT) and CHA. Without CHA, the normal boost value is +35%.
- Stat scaling can overcap the boost values to a max of x1.1. Boost values also receive a x1.029 bonus from the outleveling formula at lv 150.
Location: 20000 Z-Token package
Info-Subs: Link
Instead of dealing damage, Lepre-Chan boosts Light damage.
Boosts Melee and Ranged weapon-based attacks by +40%. Magic weapon-based attacks, and spells/spell-type skills receive x4/3 and x1/2 of the boost, respectively.
- Scales with CHA. Without CHA, the boost value is +20%.
- Stat scaling can overcap the boost values to a max of x1.1. Boost values also receive a x1.029 bonus from the outleveling formula at lv 150.
An alternative Light booster for those unwilling (or unable) to buy Moglinus Decimus. Note that it scales exclusively for CHA, making it weaker for non-beast builds.
Location: Blarney War '16 - LepreZards OR Past Blarney Rewards
Info-Subs: Link
Angra Linnorm
Instead of dealing damage, Angra Linnorm boosts Melee/Ranged damage, and provides a Backlash effect.
- MC: Allows for partial Main Stat scaling.
Boosts Melee/Ranged weapon-based attacks by +12%. Spells/spell-type skills receive x1/2 of the boost.
- This value is scaled by STR/DEX and CHA. Without CHA, the boost value is +9%.
- If using a Magic weapon, no damage boost is applied.
Applies a 25.7% Harm Backlash effect. This has +0 Save Bonus, player [Stat]/LUK vs monster END/LUK.
- [Stat] depends on weapon damage type:
- Melee/Ranged: Weapon Mainstat.
- Magic: Charisma.
- This value is scaled by STR/DEX and CHA. Without CHA, the Backlash value is 19.3%.
- If using a Magic weapon, scaling is only affected by CHA. Without CHA, the backlash value is 12.85%.
Stat scaling can overcap both values to a max of x1.1. Boost values also receive a x1.029 bonus from the outleveling formula at lv 150.
The only (and by default, best) gold-derived booster for Melee and Ranged.
Location: Warlic's Shop -> Haunted Dragonlord Set -> Search the Keep -> Northern Wing
Info-Subs: Link
MC Fire Pet. Click to toggle between:
- Heal Debuff Mode: 1 hit, +10 BtH lean. Attempts to increase the monster's Heal resistance by +50%, effectively halving monster healing effects. This has a +0 Save Bonus, player CHA/LUK vs. monster CHA/LUK. This effect is internally treated as a Mindlock for the sake of potence modifiers.
- LUKy Strike Mode: Instead of dealing damage, boosts the Lucky Strike Chance of Fire-element attacks by +40%
- Scales with CHA and LUK. Without CHA, the boost value is +30%.
- Stat scaling can overcap the boost values to a max of x1.1. Boost values also receive a x1.029 bonus from the outleveling formula at lv 150.
Location: Valencia -> Golden Giftboxes -> UltraRare Shop
Info-Subs: Link
MC Earth Pet. Click to toggle between:
- Heal Debuff Mode: 1 hit, +10 BtH lean. Attempts to increase the monster's Heal resistance by +50%, effectively halving monster healing effects. This has a +0 Save Bonus, player CHA/LUK vs. monster CHA/LUK. This effect is internally treated as a Mindlock for the sake of potence modifiers.
- LUKy Strike Mode: Instead of dealing damage, boosts the Lucky Strike Chance of Earth-element attacks by +40%
- Scales with CHA and LUK. Without CHA, the boost value is +30%.
- Stat scaling can overcap the boost values to a max of x1.1. Boost values also receive a x1.029 bonus from the outleveling formula at lv 150.
Location: Valencia -> Golden Giftboxes -> UltraRare Shop
Info-Subs: N/A
MC Fire Pet. Can toggle between two modes:
- Defensive Mode: Does not attack. Multiplicatively reduces Ice damage taken by 20% and provides 12 Omni Status Potency.
- Scales with DEX and CHA. Without CHA, the damage reduction is 15%, and the status potency value is 9.
- Stat scaling can overcap the boost values to a max of x1.1. Boost values also receive a x1.029 bonus from the outleveling formula at lv 150.
- Damage Mode: Pays 18% Melee in SP (71 at 150) to deal +50% damage.
The best Fire Pet in the entire game, providing unmatched utility with Omni Potence, and beaten out in damage only by Plush Nugget.
Location: Valencia -> Golden Giftboxes -> Rare Shop
Info-Subs: Link
Spotter Drake
MC Wind Pet. Click to toggle between:
- Damage Mode: Pays 18% Melee in SP (71 at 150) to deal +50% damage.
- Defensive Mode: Does not attack. Multiplicatively reduces Earth damage taken by 20% and provides 12 Omni Status Potency.
- Scales with DEX and CHA. Without CHA, the damage reduction is 15%, and the status potency value is 9.
- Stat scaling can overcap the boost values to a max of x1.1. Boost values also receive a x1.029 bonus from the outleveling formula at lv 150.
Top damage option for Wind, and arguably the best Wind pet in general, thanks to providing generic Status Potency.
Location: Warlic's Shop -> Mastercraft Sets -> Lost Talon Set -> Temple of Four Skies
Info-Subs: Link
MC Light Pet. Attack has 2 hits.
- MC: Provides 20 save potency for Bleed effects.
Location: Warlic's Shop -> Mastercraft Sets -> Osiris Set -> Scarab Set
Info-Subs: Link
Chiaro Symbiote
MC Neutral Pet. Deals no damage but lowers monster damage by *12/14 (14.3% damage reduction). Every 3 turns Chiaro Symbiote attempts to inflict a 25*[Hits/Attempts]% stun rate Daze for 2 turns on the player and monster. The player makes a +0 Save, VStat/MonsterLUK vs. PlayerDEX/PlayerCHA, and the monster makes a +0 Save, PlayerCHA/PlayerLUK vs. MonsterDEX/MonsterLUK.
Location: Travel Map -> Sail East -> Travel South -> Ultimon's Fortress - > Ultimon's Fortress Part 4
Info-Subs: Link
MC Earth pet. Click to toggle between:
- Damage Mode: Has 2 hits, with a -5 BTH lean. MC grants +5% damage.
- Defensive Mode: Deals no damage. Reduces damage taken from Wind damage by 28.57%
- Scales with CHA and END. Without CHA, the boost value is 21.43%.
- Stat scaling can overcap the boost values to a max of x1.1. Boost values also receive a x1.029 bonus from the outleveling formula at lv 150.
Location: Limited-Time Shop (Around Groundhog's Day)
Info-Subs: Link
Spotter Drake
MC Wind Pet. Click to toggle between:
- Damage Mode: Pays 18% Melee in SP (71 at 150) to deal +50% damage.
- Defensive Mode: Does not attack. Provides an x0.8 damage taken Earth EleShield and 12 Generic Status Potency.
- Scales with DEX and CHA. Without CHA, the eleshield value is x0.85, and the status potency value is 9.
- Stat scaling can overcap the boost values to a max of x1.1. Boost values also receive a x1.029 bonus from the outleveling formula at lv 150.
Top damage option for Wind, and arguably the best Wind pet in general, thanks to providing generic Status Potency.
Location: Warlic's Shop -> Mastercraft Sets -> Lost Talon Set -> Temple of Four Skies
Info-Subs: Link
MC Wind Pet. Can toggle between two modes:
- Damage Mode: Deals full damage. MC: +5% damage.
- Status Mode: Does not attack. Applies a +15.3 MRM Defense Boost for 1 turn.
- Scales with CHA. Without CHA, the Defense Boost value is +7.65.
- Stat scaling can overcap the boost values to a max of x1.1. Boost values also receive a x1.029 bonus from the outleveling formula at lv 150.
A unique Pet, Bun-Banneret is suited for dodge-based builds. Due to applying a status, Bun-Banneret has incredible synergy with Celerity, doubling the amount of MRM it provides.
Location: Void Takeover: Bun-Banneret. See here.
Info-Subs: Link
(Twisted) Pig Drake
MC Wind Pet. Toggles between two modes:
- Defense Mode: Does not attack. Applies a +10.8375 MRM Defense Boost for 2 turns.
- Scales with CHA. Without CHA, the Defense Boost value is +5.41875 for 2 turns.
- Stat scaling can overcap the boost values to a max of x1.1. Boost values also receive a x1.029 bonus from the outleveling formula at lv 150.
- Status Mode: Deals -50% damage and attempts to inflict a -18.5% damage dealt (x0.815) Choke effect for 2 turns. This has a +0 Save Bonus, player CHA/LUK vs. monster END/LUK.
An alternative to Bun-Banneret.
Location: Valencia -> Golden Giftboxes -> Rare Shop
Info-Subs: Link
MC Ice Pet. Can toggle between two modes:
- Daze Mode: Attack is 2 hits and has a +10 BtH lean. Deals -50% damage and attempts to inflicts a (39x[MobIceRes]x[Hits/Attempts])% stun rate Daze for 1 turn. This has a +0 Save Bonus, player CHA/LUK vs. monster END/LUK
- Defense Mode: Deals no damage. Applies a +34 MRM Defense Boost against Fire attacks for 1 turn.
- Scales with CHA and END. Without CHA, the Defense Boost value is +25.5.
- Stat scaling can overcap the boost values to a max of x1.1. Boost values also receive a x1.029 bonus from the outleveling formula at lv 150.
Location: Valencia -> Golden Giftboxes -> Rare Shop Rare (May return next February during the GGB Extravaganza)
Info-Subs: Link (Not Accurate)
Compression Pets
Pet | Fire | Water | Wind | Ice | Earth | Energy | Light | Darkness | Harm | Void |
Deathless Knight | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Cockatoo Cannoneer | X | - | X | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Harpy Dragon | X | - | X | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Lilliputian Sorcerer Army | X | - | - | X | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Drag O'Lantern | X | - | - | - | X | - | - | - | - | - |
Steam Trobble | X | - | - | - | - | X | - | - | - | - |
Mini Nulgath | X | - | - | - | - | - | - | X | - | - |
Cai-Man Warrior | - | X | - | - | X | - | - | - | - | - |
Champion Weapon Golem | - | - | X | X | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Experimental Robocockatrice | - | - | X | - | X | - | - | - | - | - |
Legion-Deery | - | - | - | X | - | - | - | - | X | - |
Glass Cannon | - | - | - | - | X | - | X | - | - | - |
FrankEyenstein | - | - | - | - | - | X | - | X | - | - |
Soluna | - | - | - | - | - | - | X | X | - | - |
Little Shadowpony | - | - | - | - | - | - | X | X | - | - |
Deathless Knight
Standard Neutral Pet. Follows player weapon for element and deal x0.6 damage to compensate for element seeking. Comes with a toggle.
- Boost Toggle: Deals +50% damage. Costs 44% melee in SP or MP per turn (172 SP; 230 MP, at 150). Additionally, the x0.6 penalty is removed while active.
- Resource used depends on Necromancer variant:
Variant Resource Obsidian SP/MP Toggle Commander SP Spellslinger MP
Location: Travel Map -> Obsidia's Lair -> Elite Necromancer Armours
Info-Subs: [TBD]
Cockatoo Cannoneer (Fire/Wind)
Seeks between Fire and Wind.
Location: 6000 Z-Token Package
Info-Subs: Link
Harpy Dragon (Fire/Wind)
Seeks between Fire and Wind. Damage and effect depends on element:
- Fire: Deals full damage.
- Wind: Pet attack is split between Damage and Healing:
- Damage: Attacks the monster for 50% of standard pet damage.
- Healing: Heals player HP for 42.5% of standard pet damage.
Location: Robina's Shop -> Next x4 -> Play the Harpie
Info-Subs: Link
Drag O'Lantern (Fire/Earth)
Seeks between Fire and Earth.
Location: Mogloween -> Mogloween Quests -> Click on the Sisters -> Search for Toil and Trouble's sisters or Mogloween Portal Painting -> 2007 - Witch Hunt
Info-Subs: Link
Steam Trobble (Fire/Energy)
Seeks between Fire and Energy. Deals -12.5% damage. Attempts inflict a -([Hits/Attempts]x[MobPowerLvl]) MRM DefLoss effect for the remainder of the battle. This has a +0 Save Bonus, player CHA/LUK vs. monster END/LUK.
Location: Valencia -> Golden Giftboxes -> Rare Shop
Info-Subs: Link
Mini Nulgath (Fire/Darkness)
Seeks between Fire and Darkness.
Location: Valencia -> Golden Giftboxes -> Rare Shop
Info-Subs: Link
Cai-Man Warrior (Water/Earth)
Seeks between Water and Earth.
Location: Blarney -> Past Blarney Rewards/Blarney Xpress
Info-Subs: Link
Champion Weapon Golem (Wind/Ice)
Seeks between Wind and Ice.
Location: Travel Map -> Granemor -> General Herous' Tower -> 16: Golems at Granemor!
Info-Subs: Link
Experimental Robocockatrice (Wind/Earth)
Seeks between Wind and Earth. Damage and effect depends on element:
- Earth: Deals x0.137 damage. Has a ([EarthRes]/2)% chance to attempt to Petrify for 1 turn. This has a +10 Save Bonus, player CHA/LUK vs. monster END/LUK.
- Wind: Deals full damage. Takes Petrify into account.
Location: Miss Fixit -> Who's Kamui?
Info-Subs: Link
Legion-Deery (Ice/Harm)
Compresses Ice and Harm. Already mentioned in the Standard Pets section.
Location: (Ice-Specific) Random Adventure -> Legion-Deery Monster -> Shop on Defeat
Info-Subs: Link
Glass Cannon (Earth/Light)
Already mentioned in the Standard Pets section.
Location: 12000 Z-Token Package
Info-Subs: Link
Soluna (Light/Darkness)
Seeks between Light and Darkness. Can toggle between two modes:
- Damage Mode: Deals full damage.
- MP Heal Mode: Heals player MP instead of attacking the monster. Deals x1.1475 damage.
Location: Valencia -> Golden Giftboxes -> UltraRare Shop
Info-Subs: Link
Little Shadowpony (Light/Darkness)
Seeks between Light and Darkness. Deals -5% damage. Top level is only 144.
Location: Travel Map -> Travel East -> Travel South -> Veil Base Camp -> Speak to ElBhe -> Shadows Are Magic!
Info-Subs: Link