AQ Basics: 2024 Stat Revamp
- 1 Introduction
- 1.1 Goals
- 2 Strength [STR]
- 2.1 Base Changes:
- 2.2 Style Bonus:
- 3 Dexterity [DEX]
- 3.1 Base Changes:
- 3.2 Style Bonus:
- 4 Intellect [INT]
- 4.1 Base Changes:
- 4.2 Style Bonus:
- 5 Endurance [END]
- 5.1 Base Changes:
- 5.2 Style Bonus:
- 6 Charisma [CHA]
- 6.1 Base Changes:
- 6.2 Style Bonus:
- 7 Luck [LUK]
- 7.1 Base Changes:
- 7.2 Style Bonus:
- 8 Miscellaneous Changes
It's finally here! After years (no, I'm not joking) the stat revamp has finally arrived! In this post, I'll guide you through all of the different changes for each of the stats, explaining in detail how everything works. You can find the official list of changes here.
Before discussing the changes themselves, it's worth mentioning the primary goals of this revamp:
- To establish a clear identity for each of the three main stats: ST…
AQ Game Mechanics Part 12: Additive and Multiplicative Modifiers
- 1 Introduction
- 2 What are Additive and Multiplicative modifiers?
- 3 The Nerd Tab
- 4 How does this relate to efficient and overcharged spells?
I decided to write this contribution to the AQ Game Mechanics series at the behest of Trygarde, one of this Wiki’s long-standing contributors. People regularly ask Trygarde why efficient spells deal so much damage despite costing so little mana. Yet, at the same time, overcharged spells feel so underwhelming. Trygarde wanted me to create a post to explain why this is the case.
The simple answer is that efficient spells deal more damage than they should and that overcharged spells deal less damage than they should. The reason for that comes down to Additive and Multiplicative modifiers. In this post, I’ll explain h…
AQ Game Mechanics 101: Content Hub
This is the content hub for the AQ Game Mechanics 101 blog series. This set of posts provides detailed information on AQ's core game mechanics.
Filtering for Gear in the AQ Indices
- An Encyclopedia for a New Generation
- Equipment Indices
- Definitions
- Filtering
- Sorting
It has quite literally been twenty years since I started playing AQ as a wee lil' boy back in 2003. I was asked to join the AQ Forum Team in 2010 first managing the now-dead AQ Guides before moving onto Q&A. I started helping out in Encyclopedia in 2012, as the years passed and more ArchKnights retired, I remain among the last of them, with an ever-increasing workload due to weekly releases.
Dramatics aside, the Community has needed a functioning Encyclopedia for awhile. AQ is... endearingly messy, although this has somewhat improved in recent years due to the implementation of functioning Standards within the game. In general, a Level 150 weapon will always be …
AQ Basics: Forums Search and Info Subs
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Navigating the Forums
- 3 Searching the Forum
- 3.1 Searching Outside the Forum
- 3.2 Searching Inside the Forum
- 3.3 What if I don't know what to look for?
- 3.4 Other Information Sources
- 4 Reading Info Subs
Today's blog entry is going to be a little different compared to some of my previous entries, and has been inspired by the many new and returning players (re)discovering AQ as a result of the recent video by Josh Strife Hayes. A warm welcome to you all!
AQ is, to put it mildly, complicated. The player spawns in a seemingly random settlement, and can effectively take on any quest in the game in any order, so long as they meet the level requirement (and that only really applies to quests >10 years old) and can find them. As a consequence of mult…
AQ Game Mechanics 101 Part 11: Penalties and Compensation
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Common Multipliers
- 2.1 Resource Multipliers
- 2.2 Damage Multipliers
- 2.3 Element Multipliers
- 2.4 Accuracy Multipliers
- 2.5 Miscellaneous Multipliers
In the last entry into the AQ Game Mechanics series, we did a deep-dive into elemental compensation. That mechanic was a correction multiplier implemented under the under the hood to compensate players for being forced to attack with an inappropriate element. However, this is far from the only situation such checks and balances are necessary. In fact, there are a lot of situations where the game applies either penalties or compensation to your attacks. In this contribution, I'm going to describe some of the common corrections the player is likely to encounter. I'll also explain the logic behin…
AQ Game Mechanics 101 Part 10: Elemental Compensation
- 1 Introduction
- 2 What is Elecomp?
- 3 How is Elecomp Calculated?
- 3.1 Spell-Based Elecomp
- 3.2 Weapon-Based Elecomp
- 3.3 Additional Information
- 4 Appendix
In this entry into the AQ Game mechanics series, I’ll be talking about Elemental Compensation or “Elecomp”. Elecomp is absolutely vital to the modern game, yet isn’t included in the standard player turn model. In this post, I’ll go through what Elecomp is, as well as how to calculate it.
If you don't care for the fine print, here is a handy calculator to work it out for yourself. Otherwise, read on if you want to know all the gorey details (trust me, this one gets rough fast)...
Visit the Content Hub for other parts of this series
The player is normally assumed to defend against a monster’s base element and atta…
AQ Game Mechanics 101 Part 9: Spells + Skills
- 1 Introduction
- 2 General Spell/Skill Characteristics
- 2.1 Element
- 2.2 Base + Random
- 2.3 Accuracy
- 2.4 Efficiency
- 2.5 Other characteristics
- 3 Unique Characteristics
- 3.1 Weapon-Type vs Spell-Type
- 3.2 Quickcast
- 3.3 Imbues
- 3.4 Status Skills
- 4 Which spell/skills do I choose?
In this contribution to the AQ mechanics series, I’ll be going through Spells and Skills. According to Nivpil’s ShopDB, there are currently nearly 3300 different spell items in AQ alone, though please note that many of these are Call/Summon spells (we’ll discuss these in a future post). The most obvious difference between the two item items is that Spells cost MP to use, whilst Skills cost SP. However, as I briefly alluded to in the first post of this series, the differences run much deeper. Spells are a fun…
AQ Game Mechanics 101 Part 8: Weapons
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Weapon Characteristics
- 2.1 Element
- 2.2 Base + Random
- 2.3 Accuracy
- 2.4 Specials
- 3 Item Characteristics
- 3.1 Mastercraft
- 3.2 Free/Flavour Effects
- 4 Which Weapon(s) do I choose?
In this part of the AQ mechanics series, we’ll begin to discuss different types of items. We’ll begin by running through Weapons, the most diverse item category in the game. According to Nivpil’s ShopDB, there are more than 3000 unique weapons in the game to date (accounting for almost half of all items!). Weapons follow the three main build archetypes, divided into Melee (Warrior), Ranged (Ranger), and Magic (Mage) categories. Warriors benefit the most from this division, with more unique items to choose from than Rangers or Mages (the former is particularly restricted). …
AQ Game Mechanics 101 Part 7: Stats
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Main + Support Stats
- 3 Strength (STR)
- 3.1 Style Bonus
- 4 Dexterity (DEX)
- 4.1 Style Bonus
- 5 Intellect (INT)
- 5.1 Style Bonus
- 6 Endurance (END)
- 6.1 Style Bonus
- 7 Charisma (CHA)
- 7.1 Style Bonus
- 8 Luck (LUK)
- 8.1 Style Bonus
- 9 Which stats do I choose?
Up to this point in the AQ mechanics series, I have concentrated upon mechanics that players cannot fully control. The player may be able to modify them in some way, but they cannot change the formula itself. For example, They can modify accuracy by applying BTH boosters or the berserk effect, but they can’t change the formula for accuracy calculation itself (see this post for how accuracy works!). From now on, however, I’ll be focusing on mechanics that the player has a substantial amount of control over. The o…
AQ Game Mechanics 101 Part 6: Boss Monsters
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Power
- 3 Boss Status Effects
- 3.1 Boss Boost
- 3.2 Freedom
- 3.3 Soft (+ Hard) Damage Caps
- 3.4 Form Shift Immunity
This installment of the AQ Game Mechanics series is going to be discussing Boss Monsters. These are typically the last monster you fight in a quest (i.e. just before the shop opens), but you can also find them in other locations like the void. Some quests will even have you fight multiple bosses within them. This post is going to focus on the game mechanics generally associated with bosses, rather than discussing strategies to defeat specific ones. You can find that information in other places e.g., here.
In the first entry to the AQ Game mechanics series, I introduced the Player Turn formula (a.k.a. the 20 turn model), The model …
AQ Game Mechanics 101 Part 5: The Status System
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Save Rolls
- 3 Damage over Time (DoT) Statuses
- 4 Inaction Statuses
- 5 Damage Vulnerability Statuses
- 6 MRM Statuses
- 7 Shield Statuses
- 8 Instant Death
- 9 Misc. Status Info
In this part of the AQ Game Mechanics series, I’ll be introducing you to the Status System. This is a topic that people ask me about all the time, often because the system really isn’t intuitive. We’ll start by going through save rolls, which determine whether or not a status condition is inflicted. After that, we’ll talk about some of the more common status conditions. This is going to be a long one, so get comfortable!
As in my last post, a big thank you to Jeanne, Queen of Arcs for their calculations on this topic, as well as Dreiko Shadrak, Aerin and Cosine for general suppo…
AQ Game Mechanics 101 Part 4:Accuracy
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Calculating Player Accuracy
- 2.1 Player Accuracy
- 2.2 Monster Blocking
- 3 BTH leans and Berserk
- 4 Reliable Information
Back by popular demand, this time I’ll be taking you through the basics of accuracy. To be honest, a big part of why it’s taken so long for me to write this post is that I wanted to wait until after the stat revamp. However, with Frostval fast approaching, it feels like the next update might not be until next year. I’ll update this post with the necessary changes if and when that update finally comes.
A lot of what I’ll be discussing was originally calculated by Jeanne, Queen of Arcs, so a massive thank you to them!
Visit the Content Hub for other parts of this series
This section describes how to calculate the accuracy of y…
AQ Game Mechanics 101 Part 3: Damage
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Calculating Damage
- 2.1 Base and Random
- 2.2 Stat Damage
- 3 Boosting your Attack Damage
- 3.1 The Problem with Armour leans
In this entry into the Game Mechanics 101 series, I'm going to discuss the basics of Damage in AdventureQuest (AQ). As a topic, Damage is far more complicated that the previous topics I've covered. To calculate it, you need to obtain a number of different components that interact with one another. At the same time, running through this process can introduce you to a number of important mechanics in AQ very quickly.
Please note that everything I explain below relates to calculating Damage, not whether the attack will land. We'll cover that in a later post on Accuracy. For a less in-depth version of damage calculation, pl…
AQ Game Mechanics 101 Part 2: Resource Bars
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Calculating your HP/MP/SP
- 2.1 Player HP
- 2.2 Player MP
- 2.3 Player SP
- 3 Resource conversion
- 3.1 The HP Cost problem
The player has access to (up to) 3 Resource Bars in AdventureQuest (AQ): HP, MP, and SP. We’ve already discussed two of these in my last post about the Player Turn Formula. The first, SP, forms the SP component of the turn formula. Each turn, the Player regenerates 25% Melee in SP, which can then be used to cast Skills and sustain Misc items/Guests. The second, MP, is part of the Player Damage component for Mages, and essentially represents compressed Player damage that can be used to cast Spells and sustain Guests. MP allows Mages to frontload their damage at the start of battle. The final bar, HP, refers to player health. If your …
AQ Game Mechanics 101 Part 1: The Player Turn Formula
As with all online games, AdventureQuest (AQ) can be reduced to a set of simple* mechanics and standards, to which every new item and monster must adhere. Given AQ is a single-player game, I'm often asked why we need these standards. They challenge the status quo by arguing that players having overpowered equipment doesn't matter since it won't negatively impact anyone else. However, there are multiple reasons why AQ needs to have these standards:
1). Curtailing Development: The existence of an overpowered item significantly influences future releases. As a simple example, let's pretend an overpowered Fire Melee weapon gets created. That weapon's existence makes it extremely difficult for any other fire weapon released in the future to be co…
April Fools' Items
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Recommendations
- 2.1 2008: Rise of the Nerf lord!
- 2.2 2012: Possessed!
- 2.3 2014: Babes of Battleon!
- 2.4 2018: Egads, Exploding Eggs!
- 2.5 2019: Nothing to See Here!
- 2.6 2020: Abducted!
- 2.7 2021: Utgard, Loco!
- 3 Quests and Info-Subs
- 3.1 2006: Save Twilly!
- 3.2 2007: The End!
- 3.3 2008: Rise of the Nerf lord!
- 3.4 2009: The God Must Be Loco!
- 3.5 2010: Switched!
- 3.6 2011: Mortal Side Effects!
- 3.7 2012: Possessed!
- 3.8 2013: Donovan's Disaster!
- 3.9 2014: Babes of Battleon!
- 3.10 2015: Truphma vs. Clowns!
- 3.11 2016: Frogzard Hunter!
- 3.12 2017:Lazy Quest!
- 3.13 2018: Egads, Exploding Eggs!
- 3.14 2019: Nothing to See Here!
- 3.15 2020: Abducted!
- 3.16 2021: Utgard, Loco!
- 3.17 2022: Fool Me Twice...
April Fools' is a day about practical jokes. As a result, many of its items are also practical jo…
Blarney Items
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Recommendations
- 2.1 Weapons
- 2.2 Armors
- 2.3 Shields
- 2.4 Spells
- 2.5 Pets
- 2.6 Miscs
- 3 Past Blarney Rewards
- 3.1 Weapons
- 3.2 Armors
- 3.3 Shields
- 3.4 Spells
- 3.5 Pets
- 3.6 Miscs
Blarney is a bit special in that one cannot do older quests without the painting. Thankfully, to remedy this, the devs have put all the previous rewards in the Past Blarney Rewards shop. Thus, I will not list out all the previous quest names. Blarney also has an Xpress Shop for people to buy the lowest leveled version of the items to upgrade in the Account Manager. This avoids clutter. I will use the order of items in the Xpress Shop for my list.
- Kaze/Tsuchi/Hikari Shuriken
- These are good 100-Proc Ranged weapons. While there are a variety of 100-Proc Ranged weapons to choose from, these a…
2022 GGB Crossover Part 1
- 1 Tiering and Recommendations
- 1.1 Top-Tier
- 1.2 Good but not necessarily the best
- 1.3 Unique and not generally great but has a niche
- 1.4 Terrible
- 2 Info-Subs
- 2.1 Weapons
- 2.2 Armors
- 2.3 Shields
- 2.4 Spells
- 2.5 Pets
- 2.6 Miscs
These are my personal thoughts and rankings for the new items released in the first part of this year's GGB Crossover (We're getting another one in April). Beastmasters got the bulk of the support this time, and this ranking reflects that.
- Creature 72 UR GGB: This pet/guest can toggle between pure damage/Fear/Panic. Having three modes already makes Creature 72 particularly versatile. However, Creature 72 particularly excels in its synergy with Eating effects. Panic and Fear are the two status effects that have pets that can eat them for benefits,…
Snugglefest Items
- 1 Recommendations
- 2 SnuggleFest
- 2.1 Weapons
- 2.2 Armors
- 2.3 Shields
- 2.4 Spells
- 2.5 Pets
- 3 2008 Love Potion 729!
- 3.1 Pets
- 3.2 Miscs
- 4 2009 Hans in Love!
- 4.1 Armor
- 5 2010 Amoria Appears!
- 5.1 Spells
- 6 2011 Love Bug!
- 6.1 Pets
- 7 2012 Blackheart
- 7.1 Weapons
- 7.2 Pets
- 7.3 Miscs
- 8 2013 Match Maker
- 8.1 Weapons
- 8.2 Shields
- 8.3 Pets
- 9 2014 What does Igneox Say?
- 9.1 Weapons
- 10 2015 Tweenie Nightmare
- 10.1 Weapons
- 11 2016 Date Night
- 11.1 Weapons
- 11.2 Spells
- 12 2017 Troofles & Troubles
- 12.1 Weapons
- 12.2 Pets
- 12.3 Miscs
- 13 2018 Season of Shipping
- 13.1 Weapons
- 13.2 Spells
- 14 2019 Obsession
- 14.1 Weapons
- 14.2 Armors
- 14.3 Pets
- 15 2020 No Quest
- 16 2021 Last Resort
- 16.1 Miscs
- 17 2022 Express Shipping
- 17.1 Spells
- 18 2023 Love or Thunder?
- 18.1 Spells
These are the items that I believe warrant even a look. It will depend on the individual character whether one s…
Frostval Delivery Items
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Recommendations
- 3 Frostval '14: It's a Wonderful Life of Crime
- 3.1 It's a Wonderful Life of Crime
- 3.2 Killing Spree Ending
- 3.3 Gift Delivery!
- 4 Frostval '15: Fruitcake Fury!
- 4.1 A Chilly Request
- 4.2 Stollen Fruitcake
- 4.3 Save Frostvale!
- 4.4 Gift Delivery
- 5 Frostval '16: Rise of the Sweater Zombies
- 5.1 Save the Sweaters!
- 5.2 Attack of the Sweater Zombies!
- 5.3 Gift Delivery
- 6 Frostval '17: Island of Misfit Ornament
- 6.1 Missing Gifts?
- 6.2 Island of Misfit Ornaments
- 6.3 Gift Delivery!
- 7 Frostval '18: A Nightmarish Frostval Carol:
- 7.1 Nightmare Before Frostvale:
- 7.2 Frostval: A Sham:
- 7.3 Gift Delivery:
- 8 Frostval '19: A Song of Ice & Thunder
- 8.1 The Ballad of the Chosen
- 8.2 The Test of Thunder
- 8.3 Gift Delivery
- 9 Frostval '20: Horror and Terror Painting:
- 9.1 Welcome Home
- 9.2 All Alone
- 9…
Issues resolved
This is critically long overdue, but the issues with Fandom have been resolved and the wiki is 100% operational again.
Issues with Fandom
This post is very likely to be very long overdue.
Wikia has migrated to a newer version of their platform, and in the process broke a lot of the custom tools we created to manage the wikia, be it tabbing, the filtering system, and the void rotation table.
It seems like the update to the same tools that enable these functions is on a slow roll-out, already available in some regions of the world, with people from these regions able to properly use them.
We have no timeline of when these functions will resume to work, but we expect to see them operational in the coming months, hopefully sooner rather than later.
January 2021 Overview
- 1 This post is getting updated throughtout the month...
- 2 Frostval
- 3 Estate Trainers update
- 4 Golden Giftboxes
- 5 Z-Token packages
The Guardian Giftboxes have unwrapped! This is the first time ever with a set containing weapons of different elements. The set is themed based on Nintendo.
Armor: Zardshi Rider
Weapons: Master's Blade , Spacefarer's Frost Cannon & Flame Flora
Shield: Lorian Shield
Spell: Invincible Star
Pet: Cometoid/Meteoid Jelly
Misc: Quadforce
The Frostval 2020 Delivery war finished. Rewards: Armor (Scathing Dreamweaver) Shield (Dreamweaver's Contempt). See the December 2020 blogpost for the other items of the set.
Estate Trainer update:
- Can now bulk train stats. You can go from 0 to 250 in a few clicks! Training in bulk provides a pretty h…
December 2020 Overview
- 1 Winter Donation Contest
- 2 Balance Engine updates
- 3 Frostval
- 4 Limited-Time Shop
- 5 Golden Giftboxes
- 6 Z-Token packages
The Winter Donation Contest has started. Make sure to win a few battles every day in order to make sure you are elligible for donations.
As usual, being the Winter contest, there's both the Gold and the Z-Token drives.
Contest ends Sunday, January 31st @ 11:59 PM EST.
Gold drive prizes:
Top 25 - Blightslayer Breaker, Sliver, and Crossbow
Top 50 - Blightslayer Shield
Top 100 - Blightslayer Faces
All donators - Blightslayer Dirk Misc
Z-Token drive prizes:
Top 25 - Nutcracker Rapier, Mace, and Spear
Top 50 - Nutcracker Shield
Top 100 - Nutcracker Faces
All donators - Sack of Nuts Misc
Leaderboard: …
November 2020 Overview
- 1 Black Friday sale!
- 2 Yearly MC set
- 3 Harvest Fest
- 4 Limited-Time Shop
- 5 Golden Gift Boxes
- 6 Z-Token packages
This year's Black Friday sale has begun. All Z-Token items in the game (except faces) are 50% off, including GGBs! This sale lasts until December 3rd.
Until January 6th, you can get up to 25% more Z-Tokens when you buy a Z-Token package.
Image (Z-Token sale)
Image (package bonus)
This year's MC set has been released. You should play through the DragonLorn Keep summer event first in order to not get the story spoiled.
The set is a Dragonlord themed set. Its element is Wind.
We also got the 3rd part of the MC set, containing the usual high level variants of the set. This set does not contain armor. It includes a guest instead.
Armor - FO Wind armor with…
October 2020 Overview
- 1 Paladin update
- 2 New Void Takeover boss
- 3 Mogloween
- 4 Devourer Saga updates
- 5 Limited-Time Shop
- 6 Golden Gift Boxes
- 7 Z-Token packages
We finally have the complete update to Paladin! After reaching rank 20, go ahead and complete the advanced quest. This unlocks high level variants of the Paladin class.
When you have unlocked the advanced variants, you will notice that there are variants called Crimson Holy Armor/Avenger/Arcanist and Champion Holy Armor/Avenger/Arcanist. The Crimson ones cost Tokens and seem to be nothing more than recolored versions of the Champion armors. Therefore, Crimson is not recommended.
As written, there are 3 different versions of Champion/Crimson: Armor, Avenger and Arcanist. The Armor version is just a high level version of t…
September 2020 Overview
- 1 Back To School event
- 2 Talk Like a Pirate Day
- 3 Dragonlorn Keep
- 4 Yearly MC set
- 5 Limited-Time Shop
- 6 Golden Gift Boxes
- 7 Z-Token packages
The annual Back To School event has started. It lasts until October 5th.
Login daily for your chance to win 7 amazing rewards, 1 for every day of the week! Just by logging in and playing AQ you will qualify for 50 prizes being given away daily. The more characters you play with the better your chances of winning. As an added perk, all Guardians gain an extra 50% chance of winning! Here are the 7 prizes along with the day of the week you can win it:
- Sunday - Dodgeball Z Spell
- Monday - Savage Schoolbook Pet
- Tuesday - School Uniform Color-Custom Armor
- Wednesday - Scroll Knight Helms
- Thursday - Paperclip Pencil Bow
- Friday - R…
August 2020 Overview
- 1 Void Takeover
- 2 Summer Donation Contest
- 3 Dragonlorn Keep
- 4 Paladin
- 5 Golden Gift Boxes
- 6 Z-Token packages
A new Void Takeover boss has been released. It's called Diamond Dog and can be a challenge for FO builds. It will be a slow battle regardless of your build and tactic. One of the easier ways of beating it as FD is to use the Bleed/Burn toggles on Neko as well as using Moglin Fan in the Prismatic Burn mode. Being a Takeover boss, it has been added to the Void rotation. See this page. The rewards for this boss are 3 versions of a pet. They all look the same but have different names and effects. Read about them here .
The yearly Summer Donation Contest is still active. The prizes for this contest are the Veywild set pieces. Contest ends August…
July 2020 Overview
- 1 Announcements
- 2 Golden Dev Ticket winner
- 3 Independence Day
- 4 Summer Donation Contest
- 5 Z-Token item updates
- 6 Paladin update
- 7 Dragonlorn Keep
- 8 Golden Gift Boxes
- 9 Z-Token packages
Hollow, AQ's game lead, has announced that we will finally get the Archmage class. However, we will have to wait a bit for it still. After finishing the Necromancer rework in 2021, they will start developing on Archmage. In addition to the messages about Archmage in the official AE Discord server, Hollow also mentioned it in a thread about suggestions for old quest updates. Thread:
The winner of the Golden Dev Ticket contest has been found. The winning character ID is 7150295. If the winner decides to make the item public, I'll add…
June 2020 Overview
- 1 Paladin class update!
- 2 Chieftain's Ironthorn & Poelala-like boosters update
- 3 Golden Dev Ticket
- 4 Dragonlorn Keep
- 5 Father's Day
- 6 Golden Gift Boxes
- 7 Z-Token packages
In the month of June 2020, we finally got our first look at a class revamp/update! Paladin is the first class to be updated. It gets updated in parts. The first part included the first 5 skills out of the total of 20 skills that it will have. The Paladin armor now looks modern. This will also be the first class to get a level 150 version. However, this will only be available after completing all the class quests (when they are finished and released) along with other "variants".
The long awaited update to Chieftain's Ironthorn (CIT) has finally happened. This shield is now up to tod…
May 2020 Overview
- 1 Void Boss rotation
- 2 Dragonlorn Keep
- 3 The Devourer Saga
- 4 Golden Gift Boxes
- 5 Z-Token packages
A new Void boss rotation system has been introduced. This allows you to fight all of the previous Void Takeover bosses. Read more here:
Being part of this year's MC set, the Dragonlorn Keep story has started. The first part was called Dragonlorn Keep: Darker Memories. In this quest, you play as Warlic, fighting through some interesting monsters with some very interesting mechanics. The rewards from this quest were the Shattered Horizon misc and the spell Runic Binding .
Shattered Horizon is a misc that heals you upon taking Darkness damage. It also increases INT/END/LUK a…
Grenwog 2020 Part 2 + April Golden Giftboxes + LTS
All the following are available from the egg-hunt permanent item shops.
Mutant Egg Defender - While not a top tier Light shield by any means, this shield reduces incoming damage by a set amount per hit. This makes it a situational option against monster with a high number of hits per turn, and for characters that stack defenses.
Mutant Egg Pet - Same as the above shield, it's not particularly top tier, but useful for builds that focus on reducing incoming damage the most.
The pet has a variant for each of the elements. It toggles between a decent Paralyze chance (with chance modified by the opponent's resist to the element of choice), and a booster-type effect of reducing incoming damage by a set amount per hit, making it a situational option a…
GGB Cleanup 2020
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Tier 1
- 3 Tier 2
- 4 Tier Andlu (2.5)
- 5 Tier 3
- 6 Tier 4
With the post crossover event efforts to clean up the Golden Giftboxes, a lot of items are going rare, and this is a compilation of the ones you should care about.
The items listed in this page will leave on the 9th of April 2020!
As with the Crossover Event, the items will be tiered based on their relative strength and necessity.
Tier 1 items are the strongest, offering otherwise unavailable mechanics or being absolute best in class.
Tier 2 items offer marginal advantage over existing options, or are situational.
Tier Andlu (2.5) Items that are trash, but the good kind of trash.
Tier 3 items can be picked up, but are more often than not, weaker than available options.
Tier 4 items are bad,…
March Golden Giftboxes + Blarney & April Fools 2020 Rewards
Gilded Mason Form - A Light imbue in the form of an armor, providing Choke depending on how much damage you deal same as the previous Mason forms.
Gilded Deatharrow Cat - Since the Boss Boost update, statuses that reduce the opponent's damage are harder to inflict on bosses, making pets such as this more valuable against them. It's a Light pet that either deals damage, or inflicts elevuln.
Alchemical Unity - A Light Ranged/Magic weapon that toggles between dealing +7.5% damage to Blinded opponents, and dealing -25% damage, but inflicts Blind with the blind power based on the damage you deal.
Gleaming Studdead Leprechaun - A Light pet with a really powerful Blind attack, .
Toxic Studded Leprechaun - A Dark pet with a really powerful Poison attack, …
New LTS Spell
Edoc Imanok (Konami Code spelled backwards) was released to the LTS. It grants +30 blocking and is great for both blocking builds, as well as your PR loop.
Devourer Saga Update Prologue Parts 1-4
Sneakbore Crossbow - An Earth Ranged crossbow that sacrifices some damage to inflict Poison on the opponent. The real star of the show however is you can pay SP worth of about half an attack's damage to essentially deal double the Poison damage and triple the duration. This is currently the top damage option for Earth.
March Z-Token Package + LTS Items
The armor is the only thing that's good on this package. It's essentially a clone of Griffinrider with a weaker elecomp.
Hedgemog Pet / Guest - A contract Energy pet / guest (guest has both MP and SP variants) that can deal either standard damage, *1.15 damage at the cost of some Gold, or *1.35 damage at the cost of a bigger amount of Gold. Both are the top options for pure damage right now. Unfortunately, they cost Tokens.
Personal Tier List for 2020 GGB Crossover Event
- 1 Important
- 2 Tier 1: Get (if the item fits your build)
- 3 Tier 2: Situational
- 4 Tier 3: Ehh
- 5 Tier 4: Waste
Some items have yet to be released. Once they release they'll be added and marked with a red font.
Prime Chaos Orb (UR) - At the moment, the cream of the crop, this item is absurdly strong, allowing you to stack damage at the cost of your battle menu options, locking one for each click, until your run out of menu options, or miscs get locked out. This effect lasts for 1 turn.
Blazing / Quenching / Terra Bloodzerker (Rare) - Bloodblades, dealing +20% damage at the cost of 52 HP at the top level, with additional up to +10% damage while in the same element Bloodzerker armor. Spells get half the boost (to a maximum of +15% damage). Mage spellcasters wo…
Frostgale Part 3 + New Void Boss
Frostgale Remorse - A misc that boosts DEX and dodging. Toggles between Wind and Ice modes. Both increase their respective element's damage by +22% at the top level. Wind mode boosts Paralysis chance, while Ice mode boosts Freeze chance.
Summon/Call Katabar - A compression guest dealing Ice/Wind damage.
Minstral's Grace - A Wind shield that increases your resistance to any disabling statuses (anything that can potentially make you skip your turn), and one of the top options for Wind.
Blade of the Briar/Lance of the Rose's Thorn/Blade of the Thornful Rose - Melee/Ranged/Magic weapons that allow access to nearly the strongest nuke in the game in conjunction with Bloodzerker, further explained on the purchase guide.
Keyote - A Fire pet that attempts …
Frostval Delivery Set, Giftboxes, and December Golden Giftboxes
- 1 New Year
- 2 Frostval Delivery Set
- 3 Guardian Giftboxes
- 4 December Golden Giftboxes
New Year's Surprise 2020 - Available from the Limited Time Shop for Z-Tokens, this spell increases your BtH by up to +17.3, this is one of the best utility spells.
The set is themed after Odin, and offers Burn and Auto-Hit for an HP cost. While many of these items are not good on their own, their synergy makes this a good set as a whole.
Thundersplitter / Thunder Lord's Spear / Thunder Lord's Staff - Melee/Ranged/Magic no-procs that are all the current top option for Energy for their respective combat type. They toggle between two modes: One pays some HP to inflict Burn on the opponent, while the other has a damage penalty in exchange for always hitting.
Vidrir's Judgem…
Back on track
In my last post I mentioned some action by Hollow is required for me to resume my updates, and he did deliver.
This is the start of the conversation about cementing the idea of a notification before items leave.
Thanks to everyone who showed support.
The end of my wiki participation going forward
After a recent move by Hollow, the AQ game lead, followed by a clear intention to dismiss the community on that matter, I can no longer support a game that supports these practices.
This is NOT the death of the wiki, as it's intentionally set up this way to allow someone else to pick up where I left off.
If anyone would like editing access make sure to contact me over either the Official or Unofficial Discord.
I will be vetting new applicants since I still worked a lot on this wiki and would not like it to go to waste.
With that said, I will resume updating if Hollow shows willingness to address this situation.
For anyone interested in the drama, I'll include a short Discord exchage about my thought process regarding this situation below:
1. It's…
December Z-Token Package
The Hollowborn set is the newcomer to the $100 package and it comes with two variants: Energy and Darkness.
The weapon pays some HP to attempt to inflict Energy/Darkness poison on the enemy, and you heal a really small amount of SP if the opponent is poisoned or burned.
The shield increases the chances of all statuses that inflict damage by 10%, although if you're wearing the full set it increases it by 30% instead.
The armor is Fully-Offensive with two skills:
- A skill that attempts to inflict Bleed on the enemy with a very high chance.
- A toggle that increases Burn/Bleed/Poison damage by +15% at the cost of some SP.
This set is at an unfortunate point where while it's extremely good for Beastmaster builds, it's Fully-Offensive, so the only build…
Frostval Items Worth Picking Up
While most Frostval quests are not seasonal, this post refers to only the seasonal content, and the other releases will be mentioned in their own respective posts.
Snowflake Wand - FD Mages will want this 100-proc Ice wand, which is the only Ice wand avaialble permanently.
Thundersplitter / Thunder Lord's Spear / Thunder Lord's Staff - Melee/Ranged/Magic no-procs that are all the current top option for Energy for their respective combat type. They toggle between two modes: One pays some HP to inflict Burn on the opponent, while the other has a damage penalty in exchange for always hitting.
ReignDragon Rider - A very good FD Ice armor with a Fire spell-typed skill.
Harvest Fest Items Worth Picking Up
At the moment this post is empty. It will be edited when the need arises.
Frostgale Mastercraft Set
Frost Effigy - For most characters, this is going to be the only noteworthy item in the set. Pairing nicely with the top recommended Ice guest Nezujimbo, this pet toggles between dealing full damage, or attempts to inflict Freeze on the opponent. On top of that, it increase the chances of every attempt to inflict Freeze effects including its own.
November Golden Giftboxes
Quenching Bloodzerker - A Water variant of the Blazing Bloodzerker option, and for those without Moglord Tortress, this is the best option for Fully-Offensive Warriors / Rangers, and tied with Hydromancer Bloodmage for Fully-Offensive Mages.
Bloodzerker's Quenching Sword - A water variant of the Bloodzerker's Blazing Sword, and the top option for a Water weapon for both Mages and Warriors.
Mogloween Items Worth Picking Up
- 1 Mogloween Limited-Time Shop
- 2 Scourge of The Pumpkin Spies (2019)
- 3 Candy Caverns (2018)
- 4 The Grand Pumpkin (2016)
- 5 Witch Hunt (2007)
- 6 Pumpkin Golems (2006)
Call PikaTwilly - A healing guest as a spell slot that can alternatively deal Energy damage.
Knife to Meet You - A quickcast pure damage Earth spell.
Call Gourdon - An SP Fire guest that can eithert deal pure damage, or paralyze.
Sugar Gobbler - The top Earth SP guest for Beastmasters, that either does pure damage or a strong petrification attack. You can feed it candy to make the damage attack deal +100% damage, and increase the chance of petrification.
Pumpkin Slayer - A consistent water no proc weapon for Fully-Offensive Warriors.
Pumpkin Reaver - The top water option for Fully-Offensive Rangers.